Escort services are very common these days, in every part of the world. Escorts are hired for the erotic plus the entertainment purpose mostly by high class officials to satisfy their sexual needs. Although the practice of hiring an escort has become regular in past couple of decades, yet people usually hesitate around an escort and find it weird. Mostly they end up doing something embarassing that must not have done or performed.
As per the escorts and their views, useful amount of information was collected for future purposes. This in turn reveals that for quite a few things in this world, people have no idea regarding how to act or behave around an escort. So next time you hook up or come across an escort, make sure that you follow the hereunder lists of Dos and Donts.
What to do while meeting an escort:
- You had had a small polite conversation on the mail about yourself. Make sure that you maintain that image as you see her. Introduce yourself briefly and be kind. You would never want the night to get into something unexpected, so try to behave normally like you would behave near your partner. Make sure you memorise things about her that is listed on the website. This can make the appointment go smooth.
- You need to know her limitations well and do not go against them. No matter what the website says, make sure you stick to her comfort zone if you really want to have a time of your life. You can risk your call by asking her for something that she does not service and things can take a bad turn. So, try to remain calm and enjoy the night stand with full comfort and passion.
- Make sure you have taken a proper shower before the appointment. No girl would want to fool around if you are looking like a bag of crap. You must smell good and she should get positive vibes from your end.
What not to do while meeting an escort:
- Never ever call the girl by her working name. That sounds very offensive and disrespectful. Never do anything that can frustrate her and this way you may end up having a dissapointed service and the box can remain unopened.
- Never ever forget to bring your protection because expecting this from other clients can be big no-no in this situation of hiring an escort.
- Do not eat pungent foods that can spoil the atmosphere and snuff out the fire between you and the escort.
- Do not put any scent or perfume at the sensitive areas where you are willing to get touched.
- Do not barter on the rates if you can't afford it. If the rates of the escort are non-negotiable you have to deal with that. If you attempt to bargain even after knowing this, things can tur against your appointment and she may leave.
- Do not bring food, drink or flowers for her. Come on, you are just on a one night stand and not a date with your girlfriend. Most of the escorts have trust issues and might be allergic. Never try something that you have not spoken about on the appointment.